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  • Business Law

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Our attorneys provide individually tailored legal advice to meet our business clients' unique needs. We understand the importance of investing time to learn about each client's business so we can accomplish their individual goals. We modify our recommendations based upon our clients' individual circumstances, and we listen as much as we talk.

We serve as general counsel for businesses throughout Southwest Georgia, providing legal advice at every stage. Put us in your corner. With our attorneys on your team, you can focus on managing and building your business.

Our business law practice is founded upon our relationships with our business owners and managers. The more we learn about your company and goals, the better we can advise you. Our attorneys' years of experience enable them to counsel businesses regarding both legal and practical implications, and we understand that legal risk cannot be evaluated without considering the impact on your customers, employees, and profit margin.

Every business owner should have the number of a knowledgeable and trusted attorney at their fingertips — someone who will review your contracts, negotiate deals, address employment issues, and be at your side during any business disputes that arise. At Lawson & Reid, LLC we are vested in the success of your business and understand how important it is to be readily accessible when you need us.

Starting a Business

If you are considering starting a new business, we can guide you through the process. We will discuss your goals for the company and review the formation options. Whether you need a partnership, a limited liability company, or a corporation, we can assist you in creating the company and provide practical guidance on common pitfalls to avoid. We also understand the importance of completing business formations as quickly as possible so you can move forward with building your business.

Business: Contracts and Commercial Real Estate

Our lawyers are experienced in negotiating contract terms and drafting agreements to protect your interests. We invest the time needed to learn about your company and the objectives of the transaction so we can better advise you in the negotiations and draft a document that fits your needs. We also understand the importance of minimizing legal costs, and when feasible, we can assist you in creating templates and training staff to complete them for basic transactions to reduce your attorney's fees.

Our attorneys have litigated contract disputes and understand what issues need to be addressed in contracts not just to ensure you can win any legal challenges, but to help you avoid them altogether. Among others, our business transactions practice includes reviewing and drafting:

  • Shareholder and Partnership Agreements;
  • Terms and Conditions of Service;
  • Employment Contracts, including Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete Agreements;
  • Real Estate Purchase and Sales Contracts;
  • Leases;
  • Business Dissolutions;
  • Business Acquisitions; and
  • General Contracts.
Business Disputes and Collections

Commercial litigation involving business disputes requires not just a skilled litigator, but an attorney who understands the nuances of your particular business and the importance of accomplishing your objectives in the litigation without incurring exorbitant legal fees. Many attorneys specialize in either drafting business documents or handling lawsuits that arise from them. Few have substantial experience doing both. Our attorneys have decades of experience both negotiating and drafting contracts and other business documents, as well as handling any disputes or litigation that pertain to them. That makes our team uniquely effective in handling business disputes.

We also have extensive experience in collections. Our goal is to maximize your recovery in collections while balancing the attorneys' fees incurred. We know the maneuvers to put pressure on debtors to pay and how to dig deep to find hidden assets or income. We have a reputation for aggressively and relentlessly pursuing collections and aren't satisfied until we have exhausted every potential avenue for recovering for you.

Some of the types of business disputes we handle include:

  • Breach of Contract for the Purchase of Goods or Services;
  • Partnership Disputes;
  • Collections;
  • Employment Disputes and Claims (see below);
  • Real Estate Litigation; and
  • Business Torts.

Discuss Your Business' Legal Needs

Our legal team is in your company's corner. Reach out to us to meet with one of our business attorneys. We'll take the time to learn about your company and help you achieve your goals.